Sunday, November 7, 2021

Fall Day at the Res

The photos below were taken on October 31 (Halloween!) during my walk around the Res. None of the subjects were particularly close to me, however my (600mm equivalent) telephoto zoom lens brings them in *much* closer for our enjoyment.

As part of my photography exploration, I challenge myself to bring only one lens sometimes. I used to occasionally regret not having a wider lens when I only have my telephoto and vice versa. Now, I choose to see the world through the lens I have with me.

Floating leaf peepers

Streaming Network

Mixture Far Above

The leaves really do look this red.


Colorized Too

Mid-Gust Drama

Water Carpet

Do You Mind? I'm Eating

Not a "black swan", ... a "grey swan" maybe?

Swan of a Different Color

Red Back Atcha

Bicolored Leaves

Leaves Above the Fray

This last set of three are variations on a similar theme.

Fall on Glass

Artist's Palette

Towards Open Water

 All photos © 2021, all rights reserved.  Contact for licensing or to order prints.